Monday, October 27, 2008

Global Warming...

First off, the url stands for Anti Environmentalist Movement and Anti Green Party. This blog is basicaly for people who belive that global warming is not all our fault. This can also be for the people who would like to challenge that point. I look foward to hearing your opinions and the facts that back them up.


  1. I love the website, very cool. I also like the side bar. And also, AEMkid, lets not mention names. I do agree with you, can you change the Finance summary and add GM

  2. Did you know that Volanoes emit 255 million tons of toxics into the air, and U.S. cars make 360 million tons. Now consider all the other natural causes and our impact seems very small... Now don't get me wrong, we can definately use something else to fuel our vehicles, there is no reason why we cant, and in doing that, we can reduce our dependecy on foreign oil, and we could then pull troops out of foriegn countries. Natural Gas is a perfect solution for this, as it is all in the USA. It has no change to global warming, but can keep American money in America (wouldn't that be nice!)


  4. The Artic ice cap grew by 30% from 2007 to 2008.

    “According to collated data from the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and the University of Illinois, Arctic ice extent was 30 per cent greater on August 11, 2008 than it was on the August 12, 2007. This is a conservative estimate based on the map projection.”– Article

  5. Is there anyway to enlarge the graphs on this site?

  6. Is a one year difference in polar ice enough to say that global warming is false, or are we opening ourselves up to ridicule from the liberals?

  7. I never said that global warmng is false, I just said that it has grown 30% in one year. I don't think that it is fake, just that it is cyclical.

  8. And sorry, but it wont let me make the graps bigger.


    The great global warming swindle. Excellent video.


Anti Environmentalist Movement

Welcome to my blog, in which we will explore the less common viewpoint on global warming. If you want to talk politics, thats cool too. So if you want to learn how global warming is cyclical, or weather you want to challenge that fact, then this is the place for you.